


ICF Danmark arrangerer løbende workshops, webinarer, netværksarrangementer og coaching konferencer.

En del af ICF’s filosofi er, at coachen hele tiden skal efteruddanne sig. Det giver vi mulighed for lokalt, og der findes masser af muligheder internationalt.

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Polarities and the art of integrative thinking, a coaching perspective

27. september 2023 kl. 17:00 - 18:30

Invitation from ICF Finland

Many people, when faced with opposing views and diversities, are tempted to decide on
who is right and who is wrong and then to eliminate that/those that are “wrong”. The
more successful are those who are able to extract value from opposing views. This requires
an ability to hold and integrate polarities & paradox.

In this workshop Sharon shares the essence of Integrative thinking and a process coaches can
use to help their coachees to notice and navigate the diversities and incompatibilities they
are grappling with. Participants learn a practical process that can be used in coaching
conversations on how to extract value from diverse viewpoints (polarities) and to create
integrated ideas and solutions. Essentially helping coachees to move from an either/or
mindset to a both/and mindset.

Learning outcomes :

– Understand the difference between a problem to solve and a polarity/paradox to manage
– Learn a practical coaching process to help coachees embrace integrative thinking

Speaker: Sharon Oliver

Participant preparation for the session
Please watch this short video by Roger Martin on Integrative thinking
Reflect on these questions below and make some notes that you bring along with you to the
– Identify an issue that you personally or workwise struggle with that you can offer as a
coaching issue in the session e.g. rules vs relationships, discipline vs freedom, parent vs
child, relationship vs task, inclusive vs exclusive, long term vs short term etc. How do you
currently deal with this polarity – what do you do? What are you struggling with? how do
you feel?
– Could you think of a coachee struggling with conflicting polarities/dualities and who find
themselves stuck in binary (either/or) thinking. How is this struggle manifesting in the
coaching relationship?

Signup HERE


27. september 2023
17:00 - 18:30


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